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Friday, January 2, 2015

Zahnd Falls

From the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS):

Zahnd Falls — What better way to end the work week than by sharing a beautiful waterfall shot of Zahnd Falls on Lookout Mountain in Walker County, GA. Today also happens to be the day that Georgia was admitted into statehood as the 4th U.S. state in 1788. This waterfall, along with many other unusual geologic features at the Zahnd Natural Area, were developed on Pennsylvanian age Sewanee Conglomerate. You can learn more about the Sewanne geologic unit at

Thanks to Alan Cressler (alan_cressler on Flickr) for sharing this photo with the USGS Science in Action Flickr Group! Share your earth science photo for a chance to be featured in upcoming USGS products and social media:

#USGS #science #nature #waterfall #landscape#Georgia #longexposure

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