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Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Daily readings from The Treasury of Daily Prayer - November 29 - Noah

Daily Chapel at the LCMS International Center, St. Louis, MO

How We Balance Water and Sodium to Maintain Life

On their own, the laws of nature don't tend toward life. To stay alive, living things utilize ingenious solutions. On this ID the Future, host Eric Anderson talks with physician Howard Glicksman about another way that the human body counteracts the natural tendency of the laws of nature to destroy life. Glicksman explains how the body controls water volume and sodium--two aspects that are absolutely critical to keeping us alive. It isn't just a single system. It's an interconnected and interdependent system of systems using a network of sensors, integrators, and effectors to maintain the life-giving balance of water and sodium in our bodies. This is Part 1 of a two-part conversation.

Thus Saith the Science: C. S. Lewis on the Dangers of Scientism

Not Lutheran, but worth considering:

Keeping our hearts clear of resentment

God's New Springtime

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Holy God, We Praise Thy Name (GROSSER GOTT) | LSB 940

644 - The Church's One Foundation - The Congregation sings from The Luth...

O God, My Faithful God - LSB 696

Create In Me A Clean Heart, O God (SCHAFFE IN MIR, GOTT) | LSB 956

Angels We Have Heard On High (GLORIA) | LSB 368

Why You Should Read Revere Franklin Weidner

Rethinking the Judgment Day: a Different Perspective

Last Sunday of the Church Year

Daily Chapel at the LCMS International Center, St. Louis, MO | Nov. 28, 2023

Daily readings from The Treasury of Daily Prayer - November 28

Rejoice, Rejoice, Believers (HAF TRONES LAMPA FÄRDIG) | LSB 515

The Day Is Surely Drawing Near (ES IST GEWISSLICH) | LSB 508

The Clouds Of Judgement Gather (LLANGLOFFAN) | LSB 513

“Hail the King of All Creation" - 11/23/2023

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Sing To The Lord Of Harvest (WIE LIEBLICH IST DER MAIEN) | LSB 893

God Bless Our Native Land (NATIONAL ANTHEM) | LSB 965

My Course Is Run, Praise God, My Course Is Run (ES IST GENUG) | TLH 599

Of the Father's Love Begotten Tutorial

Of the Father's Love Begotten Lyric Video

Daily readings from The Treasury of Daily Prayer - November 23 - Clement...

Bach - Viola da gamba sonata in G major BWV 1027 - Van der Velden | Neth...

Behold A Host, Arrayed In White (DEN STORE HVIDE FLOK) | LSB 676

An Explanation of Theological Differences among Lutherans

C. S. Lewis's Prophetic Legacy on Scientism

Not Lutheran, but worth considering.

Three Streams of Lutheranism in America

The Beginnings of Lutheranism in America

Music at the Middle of the Week - November 22, 2023

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Thanksgiving Eve Sermon Rev. Dr. Eric Phillips

The Bible's Horror Story

Fight The Good Fight (MENDON) LSB 664 | Concordia Theological Seminary F...


Praise God, From Whom All Blessings Flow (OLD HUNDREDTH) LSB 805 | Conco...

Glory Be To God The Father (WORCESTER) w/ CONGREGATION | LSB 506

Across The Sky The Shades Of Night (ALLEIN GOTT IN DER HÖH SEI EHR) w/ C...

O God, Our Help In Ages Past (ST. ANNE) w/ CONGREGATION | LSB 733

O Come, All Ye Faithful (ADESTE FIDELES) w/ CONGREGATION | LSB 379

Use What You Got

Daily readings from The Treasury of Daily Prayer - November 22

Michael and Jude 9

From East to West Tutorial

From East to West Lyric Video

Once in Royal David's City Lyric Video

Once in Royal David's City Tutorial

How could Paul be blameless as to the law when through the law comes the...

Robed in the Clothes of the King Lyric Video

Robed in the Clothes of the King Tutorial

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Daily readings from The Treasury of Daily Prayer - November 21

Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence Tutorial

Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence Lyric Video

O Come, O Come, Emmanuel (VENI EMMANUEL) w/ CONGREGATION | LSB 357

Lord Jesus Christ, Be Present Now (HERR JESU CHRIST, DICH ZU UNS WEND) w...

From Heaven Above To Earth I Come (VOM HIMMEL HOCH) w/ CONGREGATION | LS...

Come, Ye Thankful People, Come

Joy To The World (ANTIOCH) w/ CONGREGATION | LSB 387

Daily Chapel at the LCMS International Center, St. Louis, MO

Fueling Motherhood Through Spiritual Discipline - Heidi St. John

Not Lutheran, but worth considering.

The Chief End of Man: A Lutheran View

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Bach - Allegro from Violin concerto in E major BWV 1042 - Sato | Netherl...

There Will Be Rest Lyric Video

There Will Be Rest Tutorial

O Come, O Come, Emmanuel Lyric Video

O Come, O Come, Emmanuel Tutorial

Did C.S. Lewis believe dogs were bad at arithmetic?

Matthew 25:14-30- The Burden and Privilege of God's Gifts (The Parable o...

Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty! (NICAEA) w/ CONGREGATION | LSB 507

"Know Who You Are" - 11/19/2023

Piano and Violin Concert of Lutheran Hymns

Saturday, November 11, 2023

To God On High Be Glory (Lutheran Service Book Setting FOUR) | Concordi...

Justification by Faith & the Resurrection Class Pt 2b Rev. Dr. Peter Scaer

Praise to The Lord, the Almighty

Be Thou My Vision

Thy Strong Word

All Glory Be To God Alone (ALL EHR UND LOB) LSB 948 | Concordia Theologi...

Lord Jesus Christ, Be Present Now (HERR JESU CHRIST, DICH ZU UNS WEND) |...

A Mighty Fortress Is Our God (EIN FESTE BURG - Rhythmic) LSB 656 | First...

All Christians Who Have Been Baptized - LSB 596

The 2014 Martin Ott Mechanical-Action Organ in New Minden, Illinois | De...

Now Thank We All Our God (NUN DANKET ALLE GOTT) LSB 895 | First Lutheran...

Lord, Keep Us Steadfast In Your Word (ERHALT UNS, HERR) LSB 655 | First ...

Baptized Into Your Name Most Holy (O DAß ICH TAUSEND ZUNGEN HÄTTE) w/ CO...


Justification by Faith & the Resurrection Pt 2a Rev. Dr. Peter Scaer

Sequence for All Souls'

Order of the Holy Communion, Lutheran Church Missouri Synod 1941

Rice Krispies edition.

Holy, Holy, Holy (Lutheran Service Book Setting THREE) w/ CONGREGATION

Lord, Now Lettest Thou Thy Servant (Lutheran Service Book Setting THREE)...

All Who Believe And Are Baptized (ES IST DAS HEIL) w/ CONGREGATION | LSB...

Daily readings from The Treasury of Daily Prayer - November 11 - Martin ...

Continuing Education Class Opening Remarks Rev. Dr. Peter Scaer

Improvised Prelude on 'Rejoice, My Heart, Be Glad And Sing' (ICH SINGE D...

Friday, November 10, 2023

Rejoice, My Heart, Be Glad And Sing (ICH SINGE DIR) w/ CONGREGATION | LS...


Love Divine, All Loves Excelling (HYFRYDOL) w/ CONGREGATION | LSB 700

All Glory Be To God On High (ALLEIN GOTT IN DER HÖH SEI EHR) | LSB 947

Create In Me A Clean Heart, O God (SCHAFFE IN MIR, GOTT) | LSB 956

This Is The Day The Lord Has Made (NUN DANKET ALL) | LSB 903

1988 WICKS ORGAN - Concordia Theological Seminary Fort Wayne (STOP DEMON...

Come, Holy Ghost, God And Lord (KOMM, HEILIGER GEIST, HERRE GOTT) w/ CON...

Bach - Fantasia and fugue in A minor BWV 944 - Frankenberg | Netherlands...


Daily readings from The Treasury of Daily Prayer - November 10

Jesus Lives! The Victory's Won (JESUS, MEINE ZUVERSICHT) w/ CONGREGATION...

Daily Chapel at the LCMS International Center, St. Louis, MO | Nov. 10, 2023

Why You Should Read Adolf Hoenecke

Did St. Augustine Teach Double Predestination?

Should You Call Your Pastor a Priest?

The Concept of Law in the Book of Romans

Thursday, November 9, 2023

O Christ, Thou Lamb Of God (Lutheran Service Book Setting THREE) w/ CONG...

Holy, Holy, Holy (Lutheran Service Book Setting THREE) w/ CONGREGATION

Christ Is Risen! Alleluia! (MORGENLIED)

Daily Chapel at the LCMS International Center, St. Louis, MO | Nov. 9, 2023

Daily readings from The Treasury of Daily Prayer - November 9 - Martin C...

The Eucharistic Sacrifice in Lutheranism and Roman Catholicism

Kirk Cousins: Living as an Ambassador for Christ - Kirk Cousins

Not Lutheran, but worth considering.

Lamb Of God, Pure And Holy (O LAMM GOTTES, UNSCHULDIG) | LSB 434

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Hosanna, Loud Hosanna (ELLACOMBE) | LSB 443

Daily readings from The Treasury of Daily Prayer - November 8 - Johannes...

Michael Behe: Behind The Scenes of Secrets of the Cell

Not Lutheran, but worth considering.

Is there extrabiblical evidence for Jesus? — Q&A with Alan Shlemon

Not Lutheran, but worth considering.

Who Has a “Reprobate Mind”? Can We Reach the Reprobate?

Not Lutheran, but worth consideration.

Ride On, Ride On In Majesty (WINCHESTER NEW) | LSB 441

QnA: Will we lose our personality in the resurrection?

When Did the Jews Start Worshiping?

Daily Chapel at the LCMS International Center, St. Louis, MO | Nov. 8, 2023

"The Greatness of Difficulty" Part 3: From Coddling to Courage Rev. Jaso...

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Your Marriage Can Win the Battle Against Pornography (Part 2) - Mark and...

Your Marriage Can Win the Battle Against Pornography (Part 1) - Mark and...

God Loved The World So That He Gave (ST. CRISPIN) w/ CONGREGATION | LSB 571

Jesus, Grant That Balm And Healing (DER AM KREUZ) w/ CONGREGATION | LSB 421


LSB 803: Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee

22nd Sunday after Trinity

Major on Love and Jesus

When Jesus acts like we’re bad at figuring out who’s saved and who’s not...

Daily readings from The Treasury of Daily Prayer - November 7

Daily Chapel at the LCMS International Center, St. Louis, MO | Nov. 7, 2023

647 - Lord Jesus Christ, the Church's Head - The Congregation sings from...

Father, We Thank Thee - LSB 652

Songs Of Thankfulness And Praise (ST. GEORGE'S WINDSOR) w/ CONGREGATION ...

The Imperfect Life of Elisabeth Elliot. What Christians Can Learn, with ...

Not Lutheran, but worthy of consideration.

"The Greatness of Difficulty" Part 2: From Sorrow to Strength Rev. Jason...


Oh, Blest The House (WO GOTT ZUM HAUS) | LSB 862

Monday, November 6, 2023

Once In The Blest Baptismal Waters (WER WEISS, WIE NAHE) | LSB 598

All Who Believe And Are Baptized (ES IST DAS HEIL) | LSB 601

Christ The Life Of All The Living (JESU, MEINES LEBENS LEBEN) | LSB 420

Rise! To Arms! With Prayer Employ You - LSB 668

384. Of the Father's Love Begotten - The Congregation sings from The Lut...

Infant Holy, Infant Lowly - St. John's Senior Choir

Improvisation With 8ft TRUMPET CHAMADES

Daily readings from The Treasury of Daily Prayer - November 6

The Greatness of Difficulty" Part 1: From Pain to Purpose Rev. Jason Bra...

O Lord, Look Down From Heaven, Behold TLH 260

Coffee, Ice Cream & Blood


Daily Chapel at the LCMS International Center, St. Louis, MO | Nov. 6, 2023

Five Things Every PhD Theology Student Should Know

How Rampant Individualism Is Hurting Our View of Sex, Gender, and the Body

Not Lutheran, but worth considering...

Can an Exvangelical Claim He Was a“Real Christian”? — Stand to Reason Po...

Not Lutheran, but worth consideration.

What is the difference between absolute and relative truth? — Q&A with A...

Not Lutheran, but pretty good.

How to Respond to New “Twists” on the Bible and Trends in the Church

Not Lutheran, but pretty good.

Survivor of Mao's China Issues Dire Warning: Social Upheaval Coming to U...

Behind the Veil

Sunday, November 5, 2023

How to Talk with Your Teen Without Losing Your Mind (Part 2) - Dr. Ken W...

New Songs Of Celebration Render (RENDEZ A DIEU) | LSB 792

Come, Join In Cana's Feast (FRANCONIA) | LSB 408

How to Talk with Your Teen Without Losing Your Mind (Part 1) - Dr. Ken W...

Lee Strobel: "I Helped Destroy An Innocent Life."

"A Heavenly Vision to Encourage the Saints" - 11/05/2023

Sharing the Good News in a Bad News World pt 3 of 3 Dr Adam Koontz

Sharing the Good News in a Bad News World pt 3 of 3 Dr Adam Koontz

Sharing the Good News in a Bad News World pt 2 of 3

Sharing the Good News in a Bad News World pt 1 of 3 Dr Adam Koontz

A Psalm 18 Pastor Rev Ryan Loeslie The Bugenhagen Conference

Saturday, November 4, 2023

O Sons and Daughters of the King

Lord, Thee I Love with All My Heart - LSB 708

905. Come, Thou Almighty King - The Congregation sings from The Lutheran...

Behold Our God - St. John's Hand Bell Choir

I Come, O Savior, to Thy Table - LSB 618

773 - Hear Us, Father, As We Pray - The Congregation sings from The Luth...

722 - Lord Take My Hand and Lead Me - The Congregation sings from The L...

Daily readings from The Treasury of Daily Prayer - November 4

Soul, Adorn Yourself with Gladness - LSB 636

Jesus Christ, Our Blessed Savior - LSB 627

A Lamb Goes Uncomplaining Forth/Lord, When Your Glory I Shall See - LSB ...

Christian Apologist vs ChatGPT

Joseph Alexander: I Survived the Holocaust but It Could Happen Again

The Mascioni Organ 2016 (STOP DEMONSTRATION - AZZIO, ITALY - Hauptwerk S...

J.S. Bach: English Suite No. 2 In A Minor, BWV 807 - 4. Sarabande

Holy, Holy, Holy (Lutheran Service Book Setting THREE) w/ 8' Trumpet Cha...

O Come, All Ye Faithful (ADESTE FIDELES) | LSB 379

A Great And Mighty Wonder (ES IST EIN ROS - Isorhythmic) | LSB 383

Comfort Comfort Now My People


Long Pastorate - Lazy Pastors - Working to the Very End Rev David Peter...

Did Jesus Found the Roman Catholic Church?

Friday, November 3, 2023

702 - My Faith Looks Up to Thee - The Congregation sings from The Luther...

933 -My Soul Rejoices - The Congregation sings from The Lutheran Service...

Savior Of The Nations, Come (NUN KOMM, DER HEIDEN HEILAND) | LSB 332

Come, Thou Precious Ransom, Come (MEINEN JESUM LASS' ICH NICHT) | LSB 350

Rev. Sean Daenzer on 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8

Prepare The Royal Highway (BEREDEN VAG FOR HERRAN) | LSB 343

Comfort, Comfort Ye My People (FREU DICH SEHR) | LSB 347

Hymn Of Light | Phos Hilaron (EVENING PRAYER - Lutheran Service Book)

My Soul Magnifies The Lord | The Magnificat (EVENING PRAYER - Lutheran S...

Now Thank We All Our God (NUN DANKET ALLE GOTT) | LSB 895

Organ Sonata No. 9

To God The Holy Spirit Let Us Pray (NUN BITTEN WIR) | LSB 768


On Christmas Night All Christians Sing (SUSSEX CAROL) | LSB 377

most people get this wrong about the Reformation

What Wondrous Love Is This

Break Forth, O Beauteous Heavenly Light (ERMUNTRE DICH) | LSB 378

Daily readings from The Treasury of Daily Prayer - November 3

For You, O Lord, Have Delivered My Soul from Death

Winning the Lottery in Babylon Rev Heath Curtis The Bugenhagen Conference

If You Were not Lutheran, Where Would You Go to Church?

Is Cultural Marxism Just a Right-Wing Conspiracy Theory?

Should Christians Censor what they Watch on Television?

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Gary Habermas on the Scientific Evidence for Near-Death Experienc...

After Death: The Science Behind The Movie (An Interview with Dr. Jeffrey...

Can We Trust the Bible If It Quotes Extra-Biblical Texts?

Daily readings from The Treasury of Daily Prayer - November 2

Daily Chapel at the LCMS International Center, St. Louis, MO | Nov. 2, 2023

LCMS - Mercy, Witness, Life Together

Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Your Word from Praetorius Chorales for SAB Ch...

Wednesday Plenary, "My Kingdom Is Not of This World," Rev. Dr. Geoffrey ...

Tuesday Opening Address: Learning in the Two Kingdoms, Dr. Gene Edward V...

The Devil, Superstition, and the Triumph of Christ | Brian Sauvé and Ben...

When Did Justification Get Messed Up?

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

In memory of the victims of October 7, 2023

Daily readings from The Treasury of Daily Prayer - November 1 - All Sain...

Daily Chapel at the LCMS International Center, St. Louis, MO | Nov. 1, 2023

For All the Saints Who from Their Labors Rest

Sin Boldly

Partita No. 1 in B-Dur, BWV 825: IV. Sarabande

Revelation 7: Enduring Through Trials (All Saints Day)

Is the lizard removal incident in “The Great Divorce” a good illustratio...