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Friday, August 30, 2024

Mercy Stories: District Disaster Response Coordinators

The Ideas of Karl Marx (Makers of the Modern World)

Would Evidence of Aliens Affect the Christian Faith?

Daily readings from The Treasury of Daily Prayer - August 30

Ephesians 5:22-33: The Bride and the Bridegroom

Daily Chapel at the LCMS International Center, St. Louis, MO | Aug 30, 2024

2 Thessalonians 2: Who Is “The Man of Lawlessness?”

Catechesis and the Catechism (Rebroadcast)

Ephesians 5:15-21: Be Filled with the Holy Spirit

Walking on the Water - Mark 6:45-52

False Guilt

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Jesus the Unknown God

Is Jesus Ashamed of Me?

The Creed

Stop Measuring the Source: The Woman Who Anointed Jesus

Toilet Jokes and True Faith: Elijah's Bold Confrontation

Daily readings from The Treasury of Daily Prayer - August 29 - Martyrdom...

Daily Chapel at the LCMS International Center, St. Louis, MO | Aug 29, 2024

2 Thessalonians 1: What About Those Who Haven’t Heard? Tell Them!

#255. Leading Ladies: Elizabeth Pittman

Able to Stand

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

1 Thessalonians 5:12-28: Obey Your Leaders, Test the Spirits, Avoid Evil

100 Years of KFUO: Chief Engineer John Fischer

Ephesians 4:25-32: As God Has Done for You

Daily readings from The Treasury of Daily Prayer - August 27 - St. Monic...

Free to Voice the Gospel

"The Blessings of Family with God" 08/25/2024


Ephesians 6.10-20- Defeating Demons And Putting Satan In HIs Place


1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:11: Ready or Not: Here He Comes!

Monday, August 26, 2024

The Puritan Movement, Ep. 8: The Monarchy is Restored

Daily readings from The Treasury of Daily Prayer - August 26

Ephesians 4:17-24: Put Off the Old, Put On the New

Daily Chapel at the LCMS International Center, St. Louis, MO | Aug 26, 2024

1 Thessalonians 4:1-12: Sanctification and Sexual Purity

Mercy Stories: Caring for Body and Soul in Disaster Response

Salvation unto Us Has Come

Ephesians 4:1-16: One

Christian Caregiving for People Suffering with Depression and Anxiety

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Luke 23:50-24:53: Jesus Lives!

Free Will and the Cause of Sin (Augsburg Confession Articles XVIII-XIX)

Eleventh Sunday after Trinity

Daily readings from The Treasury of Daily Prayer - August 24 - St. Barth...

New York Pastor Successfully Removes Graphic Material From Public School...

Alisa Childers is not Confessional Lutheran; nevertheless, Confessional Lutherans may find this video to be of interest.

Daily Chapel at the LCMS International Center, St. Louis, MO | Aug. 23, 2024

The Simple Truth

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Have You Ever Heard of the LCMS Seminex? With Rev. Dr. Gerhard Bode | Le...

Daily readings from The Treasury of Daily Prayer - August 13

The Puritan Movement, Ep. 7: The Civil War and Interregnum

Neo Marxism and Leftist Totalitarianism Today

Daily Chapel at the LCMS International Center, St. Louis, MO | Aug 13, 2024

A Broken Heart

Ephesians 2:1-10: Saved By Grace Through Faith

O Love, How Deep

Monday, August 12, 2024

Luke 22:1-54: The Lord's Supper and Jesus’ Arrest

Patristic Christology Through Chalcedon

On Marxism and Cultural Marxism

Mercy Stories: Caring for Souls through Difficult Times

The Appeal of Marxism

The Doctrine of Inseparable Operations (Intro to Trinitrian Theology)

Daily readings from The Treasury of Daily Prayer - August 12

Unveiling Jamming: How Cultural Propaganda Targets the Church

Content provider is not Confessional Lutheran.

Daily Chapel at the LCMS International Center, St. Louis, MO | Aug 12, 2024

God's Peacemakers for a Troubled World

Ephesians 1:15-23: Jesus Is Head Over All Things for the Church

Best. News. Ever.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Daily readings from The Treasury of Daily Prayer - August 10 - St. Lawre...

The Coffee Hour — “Community of Hope” LW Searching Scripture, August 202...

How Gen Z Became Radicalized, and What to do About It, with Dr. Jeff Myers

Content provider is not Confessional Lutheran.

2153. The Doctrine of God, Part 1 – Dr. Jordan Cooper, 8/2/24

2152. A Recent Editorial in The Hill Titled, “Want Fewer Abortions? Vote...

Do We Have an Accurate Copy of the Bible? Addressing Common Criticism

Content provider is not Confessional Lutheran.

Social Trinitarianism Leads to Tritheism (Intro to Trinitarian Theology)

Ephesians 1:1-14: Blessed Be God

Our Safety

Monday, August 5, 2024

Luke 18:35-19:48: Jesus’ Entry into Jerusalem

The Puritan Movement, Ep. 6: The Scottish Rebellion and Civil War

Daily Chapel at the LCMS International Center, St. Louis, MO Aug 5, 2024

Malachi 2:1-16: Faithlessness in Worship and Marriage

Luke 18: Prayer, Childlike Faith, and the Challenge of Wealth

Stress Eating

"He Is With Us" 08/04/2024

Jesus' Resurrection: God's Public Guarantee

Friday, August 2, 2024

Mercy Stories: Serving in Acts of Mercy

Daily readings from The Treasury of Daily Prayer - August 2

Malachi 1:1-14: The Burden of the LORD's Word

Daily Chapel at the LCMS International Center, St. Louis, MO | Aug 2, 2024

Luke 17: Increase our Faith!

The Sinlessness of Christ (Intro to Christology)

LCMS Worship Institute: Australian Lutherans Share Their Story

God's Guarantee